Friday, July 19

10:15 a.m.            Press Conference

                                 Location TBA


11:00 a.m.            Presiding Bishop meet with diocesan clergy

                                 St. James - Nave, Jackson


12:00 p.m.           Diocesan Clergy Lunch*

                                 St. James – Fowler Hall, Jackson


4:30 p.m.              Rehearsal

                                 St. Andrews Upper School, ARC



Saturday, July 20


8:15 a.m.              Bishop and Spouses Breakfast*

                                 St. Andrew’s Upper School - Library


9:30 a.m.              Doors open for Ordination


9:15 a.m.              Bishops Meeting

                                 St. Andrew’s Upper School 

10:30 a.m. Musical Prelude Begins


11:00 a.m.            Ordination and Consecration Liturgy

                                 St. Andrew’s Upper School – ARC


                                 Followed by a Reception

Sunday, July 21

10:30 am. Seating of the new Bishop at St. Andrew's Cathedral



*invitation only