Timeline for the Search Process
Timeline for the Search Process
A timeline for the Bishop's Search in the Diocese of MS.
Search Timeline and Milestone Dates
April-May 2023: Diocesan Surveys and Listening Sessions
June 2023: Finalize Diocesan Profile
Late June 2023: Publish Profile, Call for Nominations/Applications (3-week window)
July-September 2023: Discernment between Search Committee and Applicants
October: Discernment Retreat with Search Committee and Semifinalists
November 1: Announcement of Slate (3-5 finalists)
Petition Period - November 2-November 8
January 15th-20th: Meet & Greets with Finalists (4 locations around the diocese)
February 3, 2024: Electing Convention at the 197th Annual Council of the Diocese of Mississippi
July 20, 2024: Date for the Consecration of our new Bishop